Window coverings such as blinds are very popular these days.
Why? Because it provides a level of privacy that you will not have if you don’t have any window coverings. Blinds also help control the sunlight going into your home. You have to remember, too much sunlight can cause your furniture and fabrics to fade and wear out. With blinds, it is easier to control. Just pull the cords and adjust the blades.
Blinds are very easy to maintain. Just wipe your blind with a damp cloth to remove dust. And most importantly, there are a lot of reasons why you need blinds but what happens if your blinds get stuck? Don’t panic! Here are 4 things you can do to loosen up your blinds.
Tug on the cords
If your blinds won’t open, GENTLY tug on the cords then lower them. This will help loosen up your blinds. After that, hold the cords and pull them into the center of your blinds. Make sure the cords are parallel to the headrail.
When you tug the cords, you will apply tension to your blinds. Because of this, the pawl will fall to its lowest possible position creating a space between the pawl and the pin. This will release the blinds from being stuck.
Remember, just gently tug. Don’t use brute force for it will damage your blinds.
Remove the window blinds
If gently tugging the cords doesn’t work, remove your blinds from its bracket.
To remove the blinds, lift it up and out. Depending on your blinds’ bracket design, this will remove your blinds from its place in your window. If this doesn’t work, check out your bracket configuration.
After removing your blinds, place it on top of a table or anywhere flat so that the open top of its headrail can be easily accessible.
Look for the lock mechanism located at the right side of the blinds. In there you will see the cords threaded on the mechanism. Using a flat head screwdriver, press the pawl down. Keep the blade perpendicular to the roller. This action will move the pawl to its lowest possible position.
After you are sure the pawl is working perfectly, put your blinds up back to your windows. Operate and check if it works smoothly. Raise and lower them a couple of times to ensure your blinds are working.

Wholesale Blind Factory team can repair simple issues very quickly
Skewed pawl
The pawl needs to be properly aligned for your blinds to function smoothly. If your pawl is slanted or not leveled, gently press down the side that is in a higher position and press up the side with a lower position. This will help the pawl to be properly leveled and your blinds can work smoothly again.
The usual cause of this unleveled pawl is when you put it unevenly when pulling the cords of your blinds. One end will be higher while the other end will be lower. Remember when pulling the cords of your blinds, make sure to pull evenly. Meaning use the same force for each cord.
When your pawl is all even out, lubricate the pins. This will ensure they move smoothly.
After you are sure the pawl is leveled, put your blinds up back to your windows. Operate and check if it works smoothly. Raise and lower them a couple of times to ensure your blinds are working.
Double-check the cords
Double-check the cords in your blinds’ lock mechanism. There are times when the cords might get tangled, bunched up, or knotted together. It is best to fix it because it will cause your pawl to get stuck.
The most common cause why your blinds get stuck is its pawl getting stuck. If you apply too much force when tugging the cords towards the right when you lock your blinds, the pawl tends to get stuck, as well.
Our professional team at Wholesale Blind Factory highly recommends applying a bit of lubricant to the pins in your blinds, check your window blinds every now and then, to ensure it will work smoothly. However, sometime there is a lot of detailed things need to consider, fixing blinds is quite difficult. We are here to support. Check out our products and services here!